More than just goat nutrition.

Whereas in the Netherlands we are used to goat nutrition consultants and nutristionists from the feed industry, this is often not the case in other countries. In the Netherlands, dairy goat farming is already professionalized a lot the last few decades. We therefore receive many questions related to goat nutrition and farming from other countries. We can help goat farmers, but also feed mills, milk replacer companies and additive companies, who are looking for support in optimizing nutritional issues in goats.

Calculating rations on the farm and making feed compositions with the right vitamins and minerals for goats is our daily business. Thinking along in feeding strategies, feeding raw material or other feeding goals is also possible. Providing training to on-farm advisors, who would like to specialize more in dairy goats and kid rearing is also a possibility. Support can be single-time use or with use of a membership.

Besides that, dairy goat farming varies a lot worldwide. Combining the circumstances of the country and farm, with its possibilities and limitations is key.

Goat farmers
Our consultancy is available on-farm with short lines of communication. The power is not only in the correct formulation of rations, the power is mainly in the combination of good nutrition and applying good management to a healthy herd. So, all these aspects will be addressed during our support.

Feed mills and other related companies
Really focusing on dairy goat consultants is not easy for a lot of companies in a lot of countries due to the fact that the professional dairy goat farms can be limited in the area. Besides that, it might be a challenge to gain specific knowledge and practical applicability of this knowledge. Feeding a goat is in many ways different than feeding a cow for example. We can support feed mills, milk replacer companies, additive and premix companies or other associates to gain this specific goat nutrition knowhow.

Choose one of our other modules


Animal management system with a modern, real-time dashboard. All aspect of the herd and individual goat can be recorded.


Practical goat knowledge database, with topics like animal health, nutrition, transition period and kidding down, fertility, long lactation milking and kid rearing.


Central point of this module is development and transfer of knowledge. Inspiring training/course and tailor-made consultancy. For dairy goat farmers and their employees, as well as for consultants, nutritionists and veterinarians.


Products with proven results, essential for success and practical use in the barn

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Capro finds it very valuable to have partners. All our partners have passion for goats. An international network is formed, in which all knowledge and skills regarding goat farming come together.  

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Twistweg 6

5816 AE Vredepeel, The Netherlands

Helpdesk: +31 85 004 14 74

© 2023 Capro b.v.