Making things easy.

CaproManager is a monitoring and management system, where individual animal data can be recorded with use of the app on the phone, PC or reader.

Management system
In CaproManager, the following items, among others, can be registered:

  • Birth, mortality, slaughter, arrival and sales of animals.
  • Pedigree
  • Kidding/lambing
  • Medications/treatments and illness
  • Weights
  • Groups
  • Milk
  • Features/Comments
  • Colostrum
  • Fertility

The real-time dashboard summarizes key business figures in an easy-to-understand manner.

With the CaproManager, you can access data from anywhere. No internet connection? No problem, the new registrations are sent as soon as the connection is restored.

We also have the possibility to only offer just the dashboard part, in case our complete management system is currently not applicable. With the monitoring part there is the possibility to fill out a couple of figures on a weekly basis. Based on that information it is still possible to create your dashboard, so all changes can be noticed in a glance.

Choose one of our other modules


Practical goat knowledge database, with topics like animal health, nutrition, transition period and kidding down, fertility, long lactation milking and kid rearing.


Central point of this module is development and transfer of knowledge. Inspiring training/courses and tailor-made consultancy. For dairy goat farmers and their employees, as well as for consultants, nutritionists and veterinarians.


Specific knowhow and advice on goat nutrition. Essential nutritional products, like premixes, with added value for milk production and health. Adapted to circumstances and possibilities of your country and farm.


Products with proven results, essential for success and practical use in the barn

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Capro finds it very valuable to have partners. All our partners have passion for goats. An international network is formed, in which all knowledge and skills regarding goat farming come together.  

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Twistweg 6

5816 AE Vredepeel, The Netherlands

Helpdesk: +31 85 004 14 74

© 2023 Capro b.v.