Because we learn something new every day.

From inspiring courses and trainings to tailor-made advice, for goat farmers, as well as for on-farm consultants, vets and feed mills. At CaproSkills everything revolves around knowledge transfer, but above all around practical applicability of knowledge and skills. Also we learn more about goats every day, partly by conducting research at our innovation center De Mekkerhof in The Netherlands.

Our consultancy services
Sometimes everything seems right in theory, while in the barn things do not go as planned. In the end, the goats tell us the truth. It doesn’t always turn out in practice the way we expected. Years of practical on-farm experience worldwide can make a difference. We offer tailor-made advice, completely aligned to your needs. This is also possible in the form of a subscription. Our team specializes in kid rearing, transition management around kidding/lambing, fertility and artificial insemination and goat nutrition. But we also regularly provide support, for example, in the preparation of data analysis and animal health issues.

Our training possibilities
We provide various courses and trainings in cooperation with our partners. Due to the wide variety of topics (general or specific about a certain subject) we can adapt it to your main goals and questions. The courses can be followed by (new) employees, goat farmers, consultants and veterinarians. Again, it is possible to tailor a course to suit your needs, with us coming to the farm, feed mill or company if desired.


Are you passionated about dairy goat farming? Do you want to improve your goat knowledge even more and do you prefer to do this in small groups with a lot of interaction? Then our training program might just be what you are looking for! The trainings can be tailor made and locations can be adapted to the origin of the participants. Also online trainings are an option.

Everything about rearing healthy kids. Subjects like colostrum management, weaning and recognizing and prevention of health issues.

The various stages of the goat’s life are highlighted. From animal health to prolonged milking. But also the basics of fertility and udder health.

One team, one job. How do you get that done? Tools for motivating your employers, insight in how you communicate and tips so the use of protocols can really help to get the job done in the way you want it.

Top performance is expected: delivering healthy lambs and achieving good milk production. What support can be provided and why?

More than somatic cell count, bacterial count and mastitis. How does these topics interact? But more importantly, what can I do to improve udder health? 

What should I do with it? The possibilities and challenges of this cunning virus. What is a suitable option for your farm and what are the consequences?

The transition from milk to solid feed is a crucial moment in kid rearing. Ideally, without a weaning dip of course. How can you achieve that?

Tips and tricks in case kids try to get born in all kind of difficult positions, behavioral signals around kidding, when to intervene, and the initial care of the mother and her offspring. Especially suitable for employees during kidding season.

Achieving optimal conception rates is the goal. The functioning of the reproductive tract, the hormonal cycle, and the possibilities to influence this are central. 

Learning how to perform artificial inseminate 

Learn about ultrasound scanning

Cost full day: €325,- excl. VAT | Cost half day: €175,- excl. VAT

Need a training with a different topic? Feel free to let us know! Many options are available in consultation. Don’t hesitate to contact Anne-Riet Boerenkamp at +31 6 – 13 91 54 65 or Trainings can be completely custom made and be provided on your preferred location.

Choose one of our other modules


Animal management system with a modern, real-time dashboard. All aspect of the herd and individual goat can be recorded.


Practical goat knowledge database, with topics like animal health, nutrition, transition period and kidding down, fertility, long lactation milking and kid rearing.


Specific knowhow and advice on goat nutrition. Essential nutritional products, like premixes, with added value for milk production and health. Adapted to circumstances and possibilities of your country and farm.


Products with proven results, essential for success and practical use in the barn

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Capro finds it very valuable to have partners. All our partners have passion for goats. An international network is formed, in which all knowledge and skills regarding goat farming come together.  

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Twistweg 6

5816 AE Vredepeel, The Netherlands

Helpdesk: +31 85 004 14 74

© 2023 Capro b.v.