About Capro

Passion for the animal and the sector is why Capro was founded.

We want to be a sparring partner and source of information for dairy goat farmers, veterinarians, consultants and other persons involved in the dairy goat sector worldwide. For us, goats are not part of our job, but are our job. Practical applicability of knowledge and skills, all about goats. Worldwide we focus on tailor made on-farm consultancy, providing training courses, knowledge transfer by our online goat database and enabling animal registration with use of our management system.


All necessities for a
successful dairy goat farm

Capro offers a platform with different modules, which can be used to provide support on the dairy goat farm, feed mills and other related companies in many different aspects. Fully adaptable to your needs.


Animal management system with a modern, real-time dashboard. All aspect of the herd and individual goat can be recorded.


Practical goat knowledge database, with topics like animal health, nutrition, transition period and kidding down, fertility, long lactation milking and kid rearing.


Central point of this module is development and transfer of knowledge. Inspiring training/courses and tailor-made consultancy. For dairy goat farmers and their employees, as well as for consultants, nutritionists and veterinarians.


Specific knowhow and advice on goat nutrition. Essential nutritional products, like premixes, with added value for milk production and health. Adapted to circumstances and possibilities of your country and farm.


Products with proven results, essential for success and practical use in the barn

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Team Capro

Anne-Riet Boerenkamp

Capro Manager

Erik Reefhuis

Capro Nutrition

Elly Docters van Leeuwen

Capro Manager

José van Cranenbroek

Capro Skills,
Capro Manager,
Capro Climate

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Capro finds it very valuable to have partners. All our partners have passion for goats. An international network is formed, in which all knowledge and skills regarding goat farming come together.  

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Twistweg 6

5816 AE Vredepeel, The Netherlands


Helpdesk: +31 85 004 14 74

© 2023 Capro b.v.